This chain of time collaborates with the work, time of being in the state of work and the purpose of the work what it is for. There are hardly many times when engaged work not follows the good work for which you are being held off. If somehow you are parted with the work of which you can’t take off, anyhow it becomes a compulsion but if you got some time to follow the opportunity work or the purpose work for which you have aimed for, be thankful to that because it atleast you got the hour to follow your own work.

There are many who does not even the time, or you can say, does not even the aim for which they stuck for. Be pride on the time, you can even purchase the hours. So, calm on the sides of remaining hours. Do not set for the realistic time goal, as unrealistic time is already set for you. Just need to use it. It could be any hour, evening, morning does not matters but point is that hour you get. 

Bring on the shots and put forward the minutes to complete the journey, journey of aim-hours. What unexpected comes over expected? So, be ready with the slides of written journey of purpose. Here, question deters that what happens when you lose the chain of time means when you bundle yourself under the heap of less mattered work. So, being more productive at the time of sufficient given.

Never be under hopeless wish instead put a spot on for every work what you wishes for.  If the chain of time be lost from your hand, do not disregard yourself for losing it but to take a drastic step which itself has the timer in hand. Do not loose the home of fathered time in which there is a shade of worthiness and under blues (safe) in comforts.

For not losing the band of seconds, you should follow the initiatives :

·         Cut the waste hours and count the earning hours which is earned through hard pays.

·         Diminish the meals time, and calculate the working hours which is productive.

·         Put planned hours daily so that everything reminds you once you checked the list of works.

·         Make a 10, 15 days work planned, not to make a plan which makes you feel burden. Remember everything important do not finish in a day, it takes time to set your learning and experiencing.

·         Everyday keep a reminder set to put you awake for each time suitable and assigned to the task.

These are the follow lines of being a good manager that manages and owns the time of success which denotes you the perfect human clock. Do not be worry of losing the chain but enjoy the time given to you that fulfills the success path and also satisfies your peace. Understand the worthiness of time, then you can easily manage the whole day as a productive hours. Chain of time does not losses, but the work assigned to every hour seems to lose by the coming time.
